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アンカー 1

tsu sound

B つ.png
Listen to the conversation below.
つ 01.png
つ 02.png
When pronouncing つ, pay attention to the location where your tongue touches in the mouth. See the following diagram.
The vocal tract cross-section diagram below is borrowed from
つ 03つ.png
つ 03つ 矢印0.png
The consonant of つ is a sound that pronounces "t" and "s" at the same time. Place your tongue blade (rather than tongue tip) on the gum of your upper teeth (arrowed part) and immediately release it to say "s." Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.
つ 03ちゅ.png
The consonant of ちゅ is made by touching your tongue more backward than when pronouncing つ. Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.
つ 03す.png
When pronouncing す, your tongue position is the same as when pronouncing つ, but your tongue never touches the gum. Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.


Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
つ 04.png
ANSWERS 1すうがく、2 ツリー、3 すき、4 つうかん、5 ちゅうしん、6 つうこく、7 ちゅうか、8 ぶんつう、9 こうつう、10 ようちゅう
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.
 Speaking (word) 
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.
つ 05 (1-9).png
1 次、妻、都合、つもり、つぶつぶ、ついつい
2 使う、作る、包む、伝える、勤める
3 強い、つらい、冷たい、つまらない
4 いつも、普通、お釣り、祭り、実は
5 失礼、卒業、受付、月曜日、小包
6 熱い、きつい、しつこい、美しい、懐かしい
7 いつ、夏、挨拶、今月、出発、正月
8 いくつ、一つ、二つ、三つ、四つ、五つ、九つ
9 打つ、勝つ、立つ、待つ、持つ、目立つ、役立つ
 Speaking (conversation) 
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.
つ 06 会話1.png
つ 06 会話2.png
つ 06 会話3.png
つ 06 会話4.png
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