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test 1
test 1
test 1
test 1
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.
Japanese Pronunciation Laboratory
アンカー 1
アンカー 1
Seion vs Dakuon
Listening 1
Listen to the audio, paying attention to the first letter. Choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
ANSWERS 1 かん、2 がわ、3 ぎのう、4 けた、5 ごい、6 たく、7 てんか、8 だんご、9 とうし、10 どうちょう
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.
Listening 2
Listen to the audio, paying attention to the second or third letter. Choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
ANSWERS 1 いき、2 かぐ、3 ふだ、4 うわき、5 いと、6 きごう、7 とうじ、8 いてん、9 しんど、10 せんぱつ
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.
Listening 3
Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
ANSWERS 1 かし、2 きめい、3 だしゃ、4 ぼうこく、5 たいやく、6 カード、7 せんばい、8 ようと、9 まんだん、10 せいかく
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.
Speaking (sentence)
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.
01 大学(だいがく)を退学(たいがく)する
02 外国(がいこく)を開国(かいこく)する
03 右側(みぎがわ)に川(かわ)があります
04 ダニが住(す)む谷(たに)
05 牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)パックをバッグに入(い)れた
06 この塔(とう)は銅(どう)でできている
07 顔(かお)はパサパサ、髪(かみ)はバサバサ
08 来年(らいねん)はパリかバリに行(い)きたいです
09 口(くち)を開(ひら)けば愚痴(ぐち)ばかり言(い)う
10 銀(ぎん)メダルをとったが、次は金(きん)メダルを目指したい
11 井戸(いど)に糸(いと)が落(お)ちた
12 こん棒(ぼう)を梱包(こんぽう)する
13 気候(きこう)の記号(きごう)は難(むずか)しい
14 西(にし)の空(そら)に虹(にじ)が出(で)ている
15 それを置(お)いて、こっちにおいで
16 蓋(ふた)に札(ふだ)がついている
17 当時(とうじ)は闘志(とうし)がすごかった
18 先発(せんぱつ)メンバーを選抜(せんばつ)する
19 経験(けいけん)するほど、つらさは軽減(けいげん)する
20 柿(かき)の木がある家は、いつも鍵(かぎ)がかかっている
Speaking (conversation)
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.
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