test 1
test 1
test 1
test 1
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.
Japanese Pronunciation Laboratory
Pitch accent
Listening 1
The critical point to understanding the Japanese standard accent is the presence or absence of an akusento-kaku (a steep drop in pitch) and the location of the akusento-kaku if it is an accented word.
Listen to the audio and find where the akusento-kaku is. Prepare a piece of paper and a pen. You will hear each word twice.
Now, look at the answers below and try to imitate the audio. You will hear each word once. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound.
Listening 2
Note: The second part of the long vowel (ー), small っ and ん cannot carry an akusento-kaku as well as i (い) of ai (あい、かい、がい、さい、ざい、たい、だい、ない、はい、ぱい、ばい、まい、らい). When the akusento-kaku falls on these moras, the askusento-kaku is shifted to the preceding mora.
Listen to the audio and find where the akusento-kaku is.
You will hear each word twice.
Look at the answers below and try to imitate the audio. You will hear each word once. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound.
Listening 3
Listen to the audio and find where the akusento-kaku is.
You will hear each word twice.
Look at the answers below and try to imitate the audio. You will hear each word once. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound.
Need more practice? Visit the website below (Japanese only).