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test 1
test 1
test 1
test 1
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.
Speech test
Please read the following sentence.
Record it on your phone and send the audio file by email.

Japanese Pronunciation Laboratory
アンカー 1
Chōon, Sokuon, Hatsuon
Long vowel, double consonant, moraic nasal

Assignment 1
Read the following words aloud, paying attention to the long vowel, the small っ and ん. After recording your pronunciation on your mobile phone, submit the audio file by email.

Assignment 2
Read the following sentences aloud, paying attention to the long vowel, the small っ and ん. After recording your pronunciation on your mobile phone, submit the audio file by email.

Assignment 3
Read the following conversations aloud, paying attention to the long vowel, the small っ and ん. After recording your pronunciation on your mobile phone, submit the audio file by email.

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