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アンカー 1

ザ行 vs ジャ行
Za-gyō vs Zya-gyō

ざくろ 00.png
Listen to the conversation below.
ざくろ 01.png
ざくろ 01'.png
ざくろ 01''.png
When pronouncing ザ行 and ジャ行, pay attention to the position where your tongue touches in the mouth. See the following diagram.
The vocal tract cross-section diagram below is borrowed from
ざくろ 02 矢印.png
Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.
The consonant of ザ行 is a sound that pronounces "d" and "z" at the same time. Place your tongue blade (rather than tongue tip) on the gum of your upper teeth and immediately release it to say "z."  Since it is a voiced sound, the vocal folds vibrate. Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.
ざくろ 02 語頭ざ.png
The consonant of ジャ行 is made by touching your tongue more backward than when pronouncing ザ行. Listen to the audio and try to imitate it.
ざくろ 02 語頭じゃ.png

 Listening 1 

Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
ざくろ 03 ききとり1.png
ANSWERS 1 じゃっか、2 ぞういん、3 じゅひょう、4 じょうきゅう、5 ずけい、6 ぞうき、7 じょうしゃ、8 ゼット、9 ぞうか、10 じょうきょう
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.

 Listening 2 

Listen to the audio and choose one you heard. You will hear each word twice.
ざくろ 03 ききとり2.png
ANSWERS 1 おうざ、2 どうじょう、3 かいぞう、4 かじゅ、5 じじょう、6 せいぞう、7 ぼうず、8 あいじょう、9 ぎょうざ、10 ないじょう
Now listen and compare both words. You will hear each word once.
Once you have found the difference, imitate the audio. Compare your pronunciation with the model sound to see if they are the same or not.
 Speaking (word) 
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it. When ザ行 comes after a vowel, like Nos. 5 to 8 (but not Nos. 9 to 12), the consonant of ザ行 is pronounced as "z," similar to the underlined sound of "zoo" in American English.
ざくろ 04.png
01 座席、ざっと、在学、材料、残念
02 ズボン、頭痛、頭脳、図形、図々しい
03 ぜひ、全部、全国、全員、全体
04 草履、増加、雑巾、続々、増大
05 火山、掛け算、経済、大雑把、ございます
06 数、静か、上手、必ず、いたずら
07 風邪、自然、午前、なぜなら、大勢
08 どうぞ、家族、ご存じ、なぞなぞ、冷蔵庫
09 人材、漫才、万歳、暗算、現在
10 ポン酢、杏子、レンズ、人数、路線図
11 安全、完全、演説、免税、全然
12 先祖、金属、心臓、満足、連続
 Speaking (conversation) 
Listen carefully to the audio and try to imitate it.
ざくろ 05 会話1.png
ざくろ 05 会話2.png
ざくろ 05 会話3.png
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